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Cucumber Setup In Eclipse



Steps To Setup Cucumber In Eclipse


1. Install Java.

2Set Environment Variable for JDK .


3Install Maven.

4Unzip the file at some Location.

5Set Environment Variable for Maven.

6Create a Maven Project .


7Download 'Cucumber Eclipse Plugin' from 'Eclipse Marketplace' .


8Add essential dependencies for cucumber in pom.xml:

  • cucumber-java



  • cucumber-junit




* If you want to use it with selenium then add selenium dependency :

  • selenium-java





9. Create a feature file under the project :


Right-click on the project and navigate inside New.


Click on option Folder and name it as 'Features.


Under this Features folder, create a new .feature file as 'feature.feature' .


Write test scenarios here.



10. Create step-definition file :


Create a package under src/main/java named as 'stepdefinitions' :


Right-click on this package and navigate through New.


Under New, click on Other.. and select Step-Definition class under the option Cucumber.


Proeced to Next,enter class name,check the annotations as per requirement and move to Finish .


Step-Definition class has been created now.


Write test scripts here.





Refer next page First Selenium Test And Mapping In Cucumber


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