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Cucumber Tutorial

Intoduction To Cucumber And Basics

What Is Cucumber In Automation ?

Cucumber is an open source testing tool that supports Behaviour Driven Development framework and enables the client to understand the application of code as it uses Gherkin language which is a plain english text. ​ How Cucumber Works :

Cucumber provides two types of file :
  • Feature File

  • Step Definition Class File

Feature File It is in .feature format and scenarios are written here in Gherkin language. In this file tests are described in a descriptive language that serves as an automation scripts as well as live document. Step Definition Class File It is a java method in a class with an annotation above it. This annotation is used to link the step definition to all the matching steps. ​ Cucumber reads the code written in feature file and finds the exact match of each step in the step definition. Here are some of the software platforms which cucumber supports :
  • Ruby on Rails

  • PicoContainer

  • Spring Framework

  • Watir ​ ​ ​

Refer next page Cucumber Setup In Eclipse
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