JMeter Tutorial
JMeter Installation And Setup
How to Install And Setup JMeter ?
As JMeter is a Java based software so, having JDK in the system is a prerequisite.
Prerequisite :
Install and setup java(jdk)
If you've already installed and configured java then, to verify the installation :
Open cmd, and run command : java --version
It will display the version and some other details about JDK.

In case, if java haven't installed and configured then follow below steps to setup java first :
Download .zip file for JDK from
Extract the .zip file at your preferred location.
Copy the full path to the JDK.
In my case it's 'C:\Java\jdk'.
Now on windows, go to the Environment variables and under the System variables, click on New that will pop the input fields.
Enter Variable name as 'JAVA_HOME' and enter the copied jdk path at Variable value.
Click on OK to save all the changes.

Edit path variable :
Again in System variables, edit path variable as '%JAVA_HOME%\bin' and save all the changes.
To verify the java installation, run command 'java --version' on the terminal.

Download JMeter on Windows/Mac/Linux
The installaion of JMeter is so easy, it's just ready-to-use application. There's no requirements for any kind of configuration.
Download JMeter .zip file from .

Extract the .zip file at your preferred location. I've extracted it at location 'C:\Users\softwares'.
The JMeter directory structure should like this :
Run JMeter on Windows/Mac/Linux
After downloading JMeter, navigate to the bin directory to run JMeter GUI. In my case, the directory is 'C:\Users\softwares\apache-jmeter-5.5\bin'.
For Windows :
Run jmeter.bat (jmeter Windows Batch FIle) file as administrator(recommended).
Or open terminal (as administrator recommended), navigate to the jmeter bin directory using cd command and type 'jmeter', then execute the command.
For MAC/Linux :
Run (jmeter Shell Script) file as administrator(recommended).
After a short pause, jmeter Swing GUI application will be appeared as seen in the following screenshot :

This is the main/default page of the application.