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TestNG Tutorial
TestNG Test Suite
What Is A Test Suite ?
Test suite is just a collection of testNG tests. In test suite multiple tests can be run in one execution. We can run our classes through test suite. Create and Run TestNG Test Suite TestNG requires a testNG XML file to run a test suite or we can say test suite is repersented by a testng.xml file. Here is a requirement of a .xml file to achieve test suite. 1. Creating TestNG XML :
Right-click on the project, go through 'New' and select 'File'.

Name the file as 'testng.xml' .

Now XML file will be in your project.

2. Running a testNG class through test suite/testng.xml :
<suite> This tag can be given any name. <test> This tag can be given any name. <classes> It contains a set of classes. <class> This is the combination of package name and class name. Right-click on the .xml file, go with 'Run as' then click on 'TestNG Suite' .
Assume that a tesNG class 'SimpleTest' has been created within testNGexamples package. Now we have to execute this class through a test suite.
Example of a Test Suite =>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "" > <suite name="Test-Suite"> <test name="TestNG Demo"> <classes> <class name="testNGexamples.SimpleTest"></class> </classes> </test> </suite>
Output :

Refer next page TestNG Annotations
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