Selenium WebDriver Installation And Setup
Handling Radio Buttons And CheckBoxes
Xpath In Selenium
What Is Xpath/XML Path In Selenium ?
Xpath is the XML path expression used for navigating through the HTML structure of a web page to find the location of any element on a web page using HTML DOM structure.
Xpath can be used for both HTML and XML documents.
Basic Syntax Of Xpath :
//tag_name[@attribute_name='value of attribute'];
What Are The Different Types Of Xpaths ?
There are two strategies to locate any element in selenium by xpath :
Absolute Xpath
Relative Xpath
Absolute Xpath
Absolute xpath is a path that starts from the root node of XML/HTML document and navigate to the required node following one node at a time.
In this,xpath is created using a single slash '/'.
Relative Xpath
It's an expression which starts from the middle of DOM structure and is represented by a double slash '//' denoting the current node.
Note :- Relative xpath is always preferred over absolute path because if the page changes dynamically then absolute
path will be changed that will cause error.
Here is an example code for xpath =>
package seleniumexamples;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
public class XPathExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
WebDriver driver;
String baseURL="";
//Launch the web browser
driver=new ChromeDriver();
//To maximize the size of window
//Navigate through an URL
//Locate by xpath
//Close the current window